These Tea Party Candidates need your help. email or call me and get connected with one of them and make a differance today!! [email protected] Phone # 619 786-0832
http://www.stahl4congress.com/home.html or Email John directly at: [email protected]
Stahl hosts a nightly radio show on KCBQ at 7pm. The “Solutions for America” show can be listened to on 1170am or on www.kcbq.com The Stahl for Congress campaign can be reached at 858 481 5339
There are HUGE differences between John Stahl and Brian Bilbray, John has proven to us to be the better candidate and worth getting behind. endorsements include: American Independent Party (AIP), National Women Veterans, iCaucus
Christian Coalition of California
Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries
Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone
Fallbrook Tea Party
Eric Eisenhammer
Redlands Tea Party
Oceanside Tea Party
Lancaster Littlerock Tea Party
Little Rock Tea Party
Lake County Republican Party
Chuck Devore
I’ve yet to meet anyone who didn’t like Dan or his ideas. He is working hard to defeat Feinstein’s monster machine. He is worthy of our efforts
We will also be getting more specific about Action groups and their roles
We will also be having Rick Amato Talking to the group
Next Meeting – October 19th 6:30 – 8:30
Our New Spokesman Michael Kobulnicky Stays in studio with Rick Amato for 1 hour
Sharron Angle has been deemed by leading conservative voice Mark Levin as “the epitome of the new conservative movement that swept this land in the 2010 election.”
Sharron Angle’s story will both encourage and inspire you in your work to restore Constitutional governance in California. She will share her experiences as a ‘regular citizen’ who got involved in government at a grassroots level and continued on to serve in the Nevada Assembly and eventually ran for a seat in the US Senate.
Don’t miss this opportunity to support both Sharron and the work of The Election Integrity Project, a California based initiative to preserve our Republic through fair and honest elections.
Dates and Locations:
Occupy San Diego
peacefully occupying San Diego’s Civic Center in Downtown San Diego – the 99 % WILL BE HEARD !!
Only 1% of people in this country own and control the wealth, while 99% struggle, suffer while being denied a share of the wealth and quality healthcare.
In solidarity with the occupation of and vigorous protest on Wall Street, we are people of the 99% are occupying and protesting in the Gas Lamp Quarter and downtown area of San Diego, from October 7th 2011 beginnning 4:30 PM until indefinitely. Gas Lamp/downtown is in the same area of the financially corrupt San Diego County administration and financial hub.
ALSO: Since San Diego is one of many hubs of military activity, we are exercising this opportunity and right to protest and demand an end to corporate financial backing of the present useless wars being perpetrated by our country, which is inundated with greed and aggression . We support the troops, who are really a part of the 99% of the American people, manipulated by Wall Street and the 1%.
The plan is to actually camp out in the aforementioned areas until a list of our demands in solidarity of the Wall Street NYC occupation are met or sincerely heard and considered by representatives of the financial and county conglomerate of San Diego .
We must be open for ideas, sharing and horizontal, equal leadership and representation.