Meeting Minutes – Get off the sofa, GET INVOLVED Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:52:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 21376035 San Diego Tea Party Meeting — February 20, 2012 Thu, 01 Mar 2012 19:53:57 +0000 Continue reading ]]> A Call to Action!


   Our February 20th meeting began with an inspiring call to action by Dara Baily.  Her talk, “Why Are you Here?” asked people to step up and volunteer their time and their talents to make this country better.  Sign up sheets were available for a variety of volunteer groups focusing on social media, research, writing, speaking out on issues that interest you, military issues, and educating people about the Constitution.  Dara pointed out how even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference. If you were at the meeting and did not volunteer, please contact us and get active.  If you did sign up at the meeting, you will be receiving specific information soon about what the group(s) you signed up for will be focusing on the near future.  She also spoke about registering for iCaucus so everyone can take part in vetting candidates for Federal, State, and Local offices.

   John Stahl provided us with an update on his campaign for Congress in San Diego’s 52nd District, reminding everyone of the need to be involved and participate in the campaigns of the candidates they support, helping with his signature gathering efforts, and inviting us to show up at rallys and events such as his upcoming debate with Brian Bilbray.

  Joseph Spencer is the author of the book What Can One Man Do? and the website One Man Can.  He spoke passionately about how each of us can make a difference if we dedicate our time and talents to restoring our country to its founding principles.  He pointed out that our duty as citizens is to . . . “restore a government worthy of trust so that we can pursue happiness.”  He talked about creating our own “precinct” of 10 people, developing relationships with them and educating each other, then extending that relationship beyond those ten. 

   Dran Reese of the Salt and Light Council spoke next about the Parental Rights Petition which place a measure on the November ballot to ensure that a doctor cannot perform an abortion on a young girl without informing a parent, encouraging everyone to not only sign the petition, but to be part of the signature gathering effort.

   Our next guests were Audrea and Luke, both high school students, from im2moro, a movement led by young people determined to speak up and stand out to protect the liberties and principles that made our nation great: Responsibility, Prosperity, Happiness, Security, Liberty, Justice, and Peace.  Audrea updated us on the group’s activities and progress this year as well as their upcoming plans for the year in teaching other young about the Constitution and the principles on which our nation was founded in order to inspire them to vote in this upcoming election.  Luke’s talk focused on the meaning of prosperity for today’s young people, and described how important it is that we understand how living in a thriving economy helps guarantee our individual freedom and liberty.  Audrea then spoke once again about how important it is to get the youth of America involved by rallying them around the concept that they need to tell Washington to stop spending their future.  She followed this with a deeply impassioned presentation about the U.S. Constitution and how relevant it still is today.

   Several of our San Diego Tea Party Patriots have declared their candidacy for their party’s Central Committee.  A map showing the County’s Assembly Districts was posted and included on the back of the meeting Agenda so everyone would know where their newly redistricted AD is located so they can support these candidates.  Candidate names and the Assembly District they hope to represent was sent to everyone in an email last week.  With six candidates being elected from each Assembly District, there is ample opportunity for our candidates to run and win. More information about these candidates and their campaigns for Central Committee will be posted as the nomination and elections progress.  Maggie Acerra, one of the candidates, presented terrific tips for how a candidate can campaign and win their seat on Central Committee.  She showed some of business cards, larger cards, yard signs, and car magnets she ordered to use for her own campaign, and encouraged each candidate to make this modest investment to help make the campaign successful.  She also cautioned Tea Party candidates for Central Committee to not use the website and services offered by the League of Women Voters, since they are clearly not the non-partisan organization they purport to be, based on their advocacy of issues such as a single-payer health insurance system, amnesty for undocumented aliens, and their opposition to voter id initiatives.

Please note that our video record of this evening’s meeting stopped at this point. We apologize for this technical problem, but hope that those in attendance learned a great deal and enjoyed hearing our next two speakers, Bonnie Dumanis, candidate for Mayor, and Dave Berry, candidate for judge.

   Our next guest was San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, candidate for Mayor of the City of San Diego.  Dumanis began her talk by honoring the young people from im2moro for their devotion and dedication to the Constitution and their work in inspiring and educating young people.  She introduced herself to those who were unfamiliar with her background, by joking that she occasionally still speaks with her native Massachusetts accent.  She then described her rise in the D.A.’s office from starting out as an office clerk, going to law school at night, spending time as an Assistant District Attorney, being a Municipal and Superior Court judge, then being elected the County’s District Attorney in 2003.  She spoke with pride about the work she has accomplished in making the D.A.’s office run more efficiently and be more effective, and hopes to implement the same kinds of efficiencies to City government.  She also discussed San Diego’s pension crisis and the reform measures designed to resolve it by implementing a 401-K style pension program for City employees.  She also spoke about developing an even stronger biotech industry within the City, and making it easier for small businesses to start up by reducing regulations that make that process so difficult.  She also spoke about the necessity for devoting some resources to the city’s much-needed road and infrastructure repairs.

   At one point, Dumanis spoke about her own admiration for the Constitution, showing everyone the pocket Constitution she carries with her.  When she noticed one of the Tea Party volunteers holding up her own pocket Constitution, Dumanis asked the crowd how many others carried the Constitution with them.  She was pleasantly surprised when nearly two-thirds of the audience raised their hands.  Overall, Dumanis’ presentation was thoughtful, realistic, and positive about the growth and future of San Diego, and gave the audience a very clear picture of

Our last speaker of the evening was David Berry, candidate for Judge in the San Diego Superior Court.  Berry spoke about the importance of knowing more about the judges we’re voting for, but how difficult it can be for a voter to find out much information about the candidates.  He spoke about his dedication to upholding the law and briefly described his 25-year career as a San Diego County Deputy District Attorney.  He talked about his work on several high-profile homicide cases, his work as a member of the Three-Strikes Task Force, and his efforts in prosecuting a number of dangerous repeat criminals.


San Diego Tea Party Meeting—January 16th 2012 Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:49:18 +0000 Continue reading ]]> This Month meeting we had included a presentation on the 2012 U.S. and Global Economic Outlook by Economists & Real Estate Consultants, with Michael Foley and Allan Hamilton.

We also had Candidate John Boruff, running for Senate against Dianne Feinstein

Also Bob Filner running for Mayor of San Diego

Jim Miller for Judge

Bob Filner Socialist Chicken

San Diego Tea Party Meeting—December 14th 2011 Tue, 17 Jan 2012 17:45:28 +0000 This month we are hosting more Candidates.

We will be hearing from :


Carl demaio   (for Mayor)

Dr. Wayne Iverson  (Congress 52 district)

Rabbi Nachum Shifren–The Surfing Rabbi

Candidate for Senate (against Dianne Feinstein)


San Diego Tea Party Meeting—Monday November 21st 2011 Sat, 26 Nov 2011 20:50:02 +0000 Continue reading ]]> San Diego Tea Party Meeting

Monday November 21st 2011

Dara Bailey with Icaucus and San Diego Tea Party

Spoke of the 2000+ pieces of legislation that have already been passed in the California Legislature this year and few are designed to enhance our lives.  She stated that some California Legislature Representatives who are unnamed have called on Pastors and people of God to pray for California.  She reiterated that we have 12 months to make a change.

De Le with San Diego Tea Party

De moved to the USA from Vietnam when he was 12 and he confirmed it’s his belief that our Constitution is written wholly for a moral people.  Dee told a very inspiring story of his life.

Albert Calderon with San Diego Tea Party
Albert is with San Diego Tea Party Recruiting.  He spoke about Congress’s vote to pass a balanced budget amendment and that it failed 261-165.  He also stated that in the last 50 years Congress has only had 6 balanced budgets.  A chart indicated that for this year the country will have $2.6 trillion for incoming revenue, but the revenue that needs to go out for expenses is $3.7 trillion a $1.1 trillion dollar deficit.  In the last 50 years over a $15 trillion deficit has been accumulated.

Karen Grube with San Diego Tea Party
Karen spoke on the ‘Get involved’ tab on the iCaucus webpage at .  Members of groups that want to join forces with other groups should go to icaucus and click on the Get Involved Link at the top left.

Stephanie Jahn with ICaucus
Urged us to get involved and become an affiliate member.  Stephanie went through the icaucus vetting process.  December 3rd is the next icaucus meeting and Joe Miller and Nick Popatditch will be the guests.  It will be at Point Loma Assembly 3035 Talbot Street, San Diego.  Sign up to have lunch with them here.  Meeting begins at 10am

Ruth Weiss with Election Integrity Project
Ruth Weiss spoke on the National Voting Right law specifically Section 7 that mandates government agencies must give out a voter registration card.  The downside is this is an unfunded mandate and the agencies are not trained in giving out cards to citizens or non-citizens.  They just hand out the cards or have them fill it out while they are waiting.  Anyone can register to vote and it is disenfranchising legal voters by making our vote count less
Ruth spoke on vote by mail and that we should do our best to get to the polls.  Voting by mail causes your ballot to go through many hands before reaching its final destination.   Filling out your vote by mail ballot and taking it in on the day of voting causes it to go into a provisional status.  Bottom line, go in to vote
Register on line to vote has been approved here in California and will cause a whole new set of opportunities for voter fraud.  Currently Election Integrity Project is looking for volunteers.  They need a total of 6000 poll workers for San Diego County.  Please contract Ruth Weiss at [email protected]

Candidates Spoke to the members about their platforms and agenda’s

as well as answering questions

Brian Bilbray candidate for the 50th congressional district

Nathen Fletcher candidate for Mayor

John Stahl candidate for the 50th congressional district

Notes taken by Robin McBride of the East County Tea Party

OCTOBER 19TH TEA PARTY MEETING Fri, 21 Oct 2011 17:49:51 +0000 Continue reading ]]> OCTOBER 19TH TEA PARTY MEETING

Our October TEA Party meeting took place in the banquet room at Andre’s Restaurant on Morena Blvd Wednesday night. As with last month’s meeting, it was standing room only, with over 100 members in attendance!

First speaker presenting was radio talk show host, Rick Amato, of KCBQ Radio. He came straight to the meeting after visiting the “occupy” site in downtown San Diego. A few of the members went with to take a closer look for themselves at the “TEA Party of the Left” and their activities.My take is that is wasn’t that impressive according ot the reports of the members that were there.
******Video Highlight-

Next up was Barbara Decker of ICaucus and her presentation about the United Nations creeping AGENDA 21 into our country, states, and local communities. She did inform the members that she and members of her group now issue information packs concerning Agenda 21 to all the Congressional candidates and urged us to question the Presidential candidates regarding their knowledge of Agenda 21, the “green movement” and their all out efforts at taking conrol of our land, food supply, and water resources.

We do know that we are all living with the affects now, as most of us have the “smart meters’ that now track our water and power usage. Also, she spoke of the harassment techniques utilized by the Agenda 21 fascists as they will file formal complaints against farmers, that are  using their own equipment on THEIR OWN LAND over the NOISE! Anything to get them into court and bankrupt them through the system – because of yes –  that’s right – NOISE!

Barbara Decker and Lynne Miller, who was also hosting a table at the meeting, are the hosts of the SOLD OUT “Behind the Green Wall” conference being held in San Diego on November 12th. You do not have to miss out, however, as they have set up an online webcast to view the conference from the comfort of your own chair in front of your laptop or computer!
Event Information:

An event announced by the North County Patriots that is happening Saturday – October 29th is their movie presentation “AGENDA – Grinding America Down”
and includes a Q & A with the movie’s producer after the event!  SEE:

We also had a speaker that informed us about the California gun control law going into affect on January 1st 2012 – AB144 stops “Open Carry” of guns and in 2014 California will implement control regulations against long guns/shot guns as to the ability to own through registration. He is stating lawsuits are being filed simply because this “state regulation” violates our 2nd Amendment rights. The 2nd Amendment trumps Moonbeam whether he likes it or not! His group will also be on Felspar Street and Ocean Front Walk(Pacific Beach 92109) from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm THIS upcoming Saturday 10/22/11  – expressing their opinion over the control of our 2nd Amendment rights –  and they will all be openly carrying!

In attendance at our meeting was John Stahl – Candidate for Congress for the NEW 52nd District. That’s right – NEW – as in REDISTRICTING – as in Santee will be represented by Brian Bilbray and NOT Duncan Hunter. Believe me, you are not going to be used to this kind of representation out there in east county! Bilbray is NO Hunter not Senior or Junior! For more information on John Stahl’s campaign –   Also in attendance was Dr. Wayne Iverson with the Doctors Tea Party. He is also running for the 52st district against Brian Bilbray.

To educate yourselves about Brian Bilbray –

By the way, John Stahl, a former Navy pilot, will be in the November 12th Veteran’s Parade in San Diego! If YOU would like to volunteer and walk along with the Stahl for Congress campaign caravan please notify Lynne Shepard – [email protected]

NOW we come to the part that YOU can start getting active in preparing for OUR election of a lifetime in 2012!

At the meeting, committees were developed to organize all TEA Party members in San Diego County into a FORCE to be reckoned with. At our next meeting, these committees will be discussed in more detail, and you will have the ability to volunteer or give ideas on other efforts that can take place!

Here are the committees we have come up with so far and the volunteers that have stepped up to organize them:

Rich – Web site development; Meet up, Blog, and Tea Party site, administration of the site.
Michael – Event Coordinator and … Media and Outreach, Spoke person for the group. Mike, please give yourself a title.
Kelvin – Secretary and Precinct Ops director
Robert Linderman – Social Media
Jerry – Opposition Research 
De – Military Outreach
Karen –  ICaucus Affiliate Group Liaison
Lynn  Shepard – AV director


Andres Restaurant (Banquet Room) 1235 Morena Blvd San Diego
November 21st 2011 6:30pm  – 8:30pm
More meeting information updates coming soon!


Have a great weekend!




San Diego County TEA Party Forum

San Diego Tea Party Meeting Minutes for September 14 Fri, 16 Sep 2011 17:28:38 +0000 Continue reading ]]> San Diego Tea Party Meeting minutes:
John K Stahl candidate for U.S. Rep- 50th District was on hand, ICaucus spoke regarding Candidates, the Vetting Process, and how to volunteer to work with your local ICaucus. Jerry Koch also gave a presentation on “How to Fight” and the strategy needed to save our country from takeover and destruction at the hands of these TRAITORS! Also, a surprise guest – Brian Jones of the CA 77th Assembly District – spoke to us about what it’s like to work up in that cesspool of Sacramento. He will be bringing Tim Donelly – CA REP for the 59th District and ONLY TEA PARTY backed candidate to win in the last election for the State Legislature. A GREAT meeting – you WILL want to be at the next one!

A number of people spoke in the “Pass the Mic” session. This will always be a active part of every meeting. Numerous topics were discussed, the direction and focus of San Diego Tea Party being one of the most important. We decided on some groups and some group leaders. You can volunteer for any group. Groups without names were added and need to be filled.


  • P.R. and Recruitment: Michael Kobulnicky, Shelley Hill, Albert Calderon

  • Social Media Team (FB, Twitter,Blogs): Robert Linderman

  • Precinct Walking: Albert Calderon, Roberta Vanwart

  • Candidate walking and phone banking:

  • SDTP Local Events posting:

  • Pending Legislation Alerts/reporting:

  • Icaucus Candidate Issues, Local, State, federal: Dara, Lee, Karen Grube

  • Local military liaison: De Le

    more to come

Meeting Reviews


Michael Kobulnicky
+1 guest
Great speakers! We got some organizing done towards the end of the meeting. Huge turnout at probably over 100. People want to take action!

Very good and diverse, large group. Rich and Dara deserve a round of applause. Brian Jones was an excellent addition. Parking is a problem, so arrive early

Kele Johnson
The “Cat Lady”
Great group of people and I believe that there was some good progress made toward further involvement in the political processes on a local, state, and national level.

Kathy Gutman
It was great to be able to meet FB folks in person, as well as other TP and Icaucus members, wonderful turnout and enthusiasim.

donald freymuth
I enjoyed the presentation,a nd meeting other members. I’m planning on attending future meetings.

John Conkle
+1 guest
Good start. Lots of very interested patriots, lots of energy. In future suggest strict time limits – folks got tired and left at the end. Keep to a specific agenda and KEEP IT MOVING! Limit topics, but address them completely with an objective set at the end.

+1 guest
It was my first meeting and I learned a lot. But I would have like the opportunity to get to know more people.

Donald Wang
+1 guest,
I was impressed. I am looking forward to the next meeting and plan to bring others.



Jerry’s Speech on Political Warfare

“Political Warfare”

“Winning the Political Battle”

“A movement without an effective strategy for defeating it’s opponents cannot succeed.”

Winning the Presidential Election
Win as many House seats as possible and have more than the majority.
Take over the Senate and win the majority.
How many people here know the tricks of walking a district?
How many people here know how to call people and talk about your candidate?
How many people here know how to establish precinct teams and what is needed to conduct this operation?
How many people here know how to effectively utilize social media.
These are just a few of the overall items required to help your candidate win his office.
So the goal is to set up training teams and establish these teams.
“In political warfare, the aggressor prevails”

Never let the other side define the attack.
Maintain a offensive position.
By striking first you define the issues and your adversary.
Stay positive, try not to go negative, as it can be counter-productive.
Victory lies on the side of the people, who take action and get involved.
Phone calling, Precinct walks, Boots on the ground.
“Knowing your Enemy”
Democrats win by romancing the underdog.
Tap the emotions and fairness.
Go for the little guy and his emotions.
Controlling the message creates the winning edge, even if it is disinformation.
Policy’s of the Democratic Party is program to help the “victims”-women, children, minorities and the poor.
Democrats describe Republican policies as programs that will injure the weak, ignore the vulnerable, and keep the powerless down.
“The Principles of political war the left understands but conservatives do not”
Democrats look at this as a War and they conduct all of their campaigns as such.
Politics is war conducted by other means:
In political warfare the left fights to prevail in the argument and to destroy the enemy’s fighting ability. Conservative regard combats as they would a debate, thus loosing the battle.
Make no mistake about it they don’t care who or what they destroy to get to their victory.
“Our Weapons”
Vetting of Candidates
Easy for our movement to make change in our movement as needed.
Precinct involvement: Councilman, Captain, and walking precincts.
“Voter Education”
Select candidates; that support conservative values.
The Art of Political Warfare for Tea Parties.
Volunteer Teams; “The power of 10”
I-Caucus; Vetting candidates, supporting the process.
True the Vote and Election Integrity Project; training on fighting voter irregularities and fraud.
Form training teams
On the How Do’s items.
Form teams that can be used by candidates.
Join I-Caucus and help in the Vetting process.
Reference Documents
“Liberty & Tyranny”——– Mark Levin
WIN “The Key Principles” —- Dr. rank I. Luntz
Revolt “How to Defeat Obama” –Dick Morris
The Blueprint “ How The Democrats Won Colorado” — Adam Schrager
San Diego Tea Party
San Diego Tea Party Site

Wake-up California
Independent Caucus


Also, Brian Jones spoke at our last Monthly Meeting

AB 144 Jones from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.
