Recall Filner rally and press conference

1014391_435783489853674_1044771543_nThe press conference is this Friday July 19 4pm Community Concourse

The Recall Filner campaign folks will be there collecting contact info (Name/email) of people who will want to eventually help them collect over 100,000 signatures in the City of SD in order to qualify for the recall.  They will have 60 days to collect the signatures. Right now, they are building an army.

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The Process: For Candidates

A Nationwide Citizens Organization for Political Restoration

Because you are the Government of “We The People”

Thank you for your interest in an iCaucus Endorsement!
We have carefully crafted an in depth, honest and unique process in identifying, interviewing and researching prospective candidates based on our core principles.  Our process was developed to establish consistent procedures for ensuring candidates are thoroughly reviewed and effectively endorsed.

It is the intention of iCaucus not to just endorse the first candidate that minimally meets our requirements, but to consider all candidates for each office.  Only after careful consideration, with help from these guidelines, do we decide who the best possible candidate is to endorse, within the time allowed.

Candidates must be referred or sponsored by an affiliate group or an iCaucus volunteer.  Every Candidate must have a liaison who will maintain the candidates information on the site and be the communication line between iCaucus and the Candidate.

Our vetting and endorsement process is broken into four parts:

  1. Candidate Qualifying Questionnaire
  2. Candidate Interview Process
  3. Vetting Conference
  4. Endorsement Vote by iCaucus Volunteers and participating groups in the District


Please familiarize yourself with our invitation letter/guidelines to gain full understanding of our Expectations and what iCaucus

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Huey Poised to Crush Hahn in CA CD36 Due to Hahn Disclosure?

Three years ago, she abruptly ended an interview with LA’s Fox 11 when they were getting too close to the truth.  A few days ago, Ms. Hahn tried a cease & desist order to try to quash this story.  This 8 minutes of video from Fox 11 is well worth your time today, as it clearly documents just how much Ms. Hahn’s gang intervention program gave millions to active, unrepentant gang members and protected them from law enforcement.

If the race for the CD36 congressional seat was heated before, it’s white hot now.  Pundits and party officials nationwide are watching this race with much more than just ‘great interest.’  This race has been in a dead heat and will be the bellwether for the CA GOP going into the 2012 elections.

Please donate or use the Huey Online Call Center to reach voters in CD36 now!  To use the Huey Online Call Center, just go to Huey’s web site and click ‘Make Calls Now for Craig’ in the  upper right.

Posted by Ron Robinson · July 07, 2011 5:33 PM

Operation Fast and Furious (Gov. gun runners) case heats up

When the “fall guy” won’t “fall”: Melson will testify before Senate “Fast and Furious” Committee


By Doug Book, staff writer

Barack Obama has spent a political lifetime profiting from underhanded deals made with one or another fellow incarnation of the devil.

So in 2009, when Obama appointed Ken Melson to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, he once again did what arrogant, would-be dictators do…he made a criminally irresponsible deal with a fellow egotist and power hungry usurper.

Melson had spent 12 years as a director of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board, lecturing throughout the nation on the wisdom of giving his organization absolute authority over procedural, ethical and certification requirements governing forensic labs in the United States.


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Bob Filner our New Mayor…….. Not if I can help it

Before you Vote for MayorPlease consider some facts about Bob Filner 

(Click on colored text for fact check links)

1)Bob Filner grew up in a COMMUNIST home in Pennsylvania, as his father was secretary of the Pittsburgh Communist Party USA.

2)Bob Filner is (at least) a Socialist. And is a founding member of the DSA(democratic Socialist of America)

3)Bob Filner was one of two members of US Congress that voted to have the MT. Soledad cross removed from the military memorial, all while being the Veterans’ Affairs Chairman.

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While you were sleeping……


Budget Tricks, Tax Increases and Fiscal Dishonesty Mark New Budget

LaMalfa votes to oppose all new tax increases

Senator Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) voted against numerous tax increase proposals before the State Senate today.  Despite bipartisan opposition the majority Democrats passed tax increases while violating Proposition 26 and Proposition 13.

LaMalfa issued the following statement regarding today’s budget votes:

“Another sham budget was foisted upon the people of California, this time by a simple majority vote,” said Senator LaMalfa. “Make no mistake, this budget increases taxes without a vote of the people, increases spending beyond our income and plays games to fake being balanced.  Yet with all of these taxes, the majority refused to fund public safety – which should be the first priority of any government.

“Despite bipartisan opposition, the majority passed taxes on those living in rural California, internet taxes, car taxes and sales taxes. It appears that the Democrat majority has simply ignored California’s voters, who just months ago passed a requirement that all new taxes and fees be passed with a two-thirds vote.

“This budget is not balanced, fails to reflect the spending priorities of the people of the California and amounts to a political ploy to pander to special interests. By intentionally de-funding public safety, the majority hopes to pressure the rest of the legislature into supporting further tax increases. California has unexpectedly brought in over $3.7 billion in the last two months and expects a total of $7.4 billion above estimates for the fiscal year. We can have an honest, balanced budget that funds California’s priorities, but this is not that budget.

Budget Tricks, Tax Increases and Fiscal Dishonesty Mark New Budget 6-15-2011 from CA Senate Republican Caucus on Vimeo.

Video Available at:

Issa to introduce‘Revolutionary’ Bill to Make All Federal Spending Transparent

Today Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) will introduce a new government openness bill that could revolutionize the way Washington operates and force a new level of federal transparency. If implemented, with a single click of a mouse citizens will be able to access traceable, digital information about how their tax dollars are being spent.

Issa, who is the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, is expected today to introduce the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, or DATA Act. In short, he is seeking to force the government to open up its accounting books to the public. The modernization effort is an unprecedented and ambitious effort.

The new legislation will force the federal government to modernize its digital operations and finally reveal to the public through a single electronic platform its internal spending and external grants, contracts, and loans. It could empower citizens and government watchdog groups to challenge federal spending on wasteful or worthless programs.

Federal spending has always been a mystery to the public and even to Congress. Washington spending is at an all-time high. The Obama administration’s current spending level is a $3.18 trillion for the 2011 fiscal year.

Brown, Honesty & His 27% Spending Increase

Chairman of the California Republican Party

As the budget deadline bears down on Jerry Brown, he obviously has no intention of being truthful with Californians. In his latest masking of reality, Brown says: “We have a plan, and it’s a very good plan,” Brown said. “It will put California’s finances on a firm footing for many, many years to come.” In truth, Brown plan includes a 27% increase in spending purportedly financed by $58 billion in new taxes over 5 years. That’s not economic firm footing – it’s more like financial quicksand.

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First Drafts of the new Redistricting Maps are out today

CRC First Draft Congress

These are the initial maps for the first draft of Congressional lines.  Individual maps for each district will be produced in the coming day.

North State

The North State has includes one Republican district that includes the Central Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains.  A North Coast Democratic district extends from Oregon down to the Golden Gate Bridge, and another Democratic district encompasses Napa/Sonoma and rural Sacramento Valley Counties.


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National Review reports on Filner and SD Mayor race

Nick Popaditch, Still Making the Case Against Bob Filner

June 9, 2011 1:49 P.M.
By Jim Geraghty

Tags: Bob Filner, Nick Popaditch


There still no word on whether Nick Popaditch wants to make another run for Congress in California’s 51st district, now that the nine-term Democratic incumbent, Bob Filner, has announced plans to run for mayor of San Diego.

However, those close to Popaditch are calling attention to these two new videos, detailing what they describe as “Filner smears against Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans.” They point out that Filner’s description of returning veterans wildly overstated their likelihood to be involved with homicides and suicides, a bit of demagoguery that really stuck in Popaditch’s craw.

This is a longer video about Popaditch, and his experiences with Filner’s negative ads, which were demonstrably false, and Filner’s arguments in the spring of this year that he was a victim comparable to Gabby Giffords.

The fact that Popaditch’s allies are still spreading his message and putting out videos like these suggests that perhaps Popaditch’s interest in political office has not waned.

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