Defenders of Liberty CONFERENCE May 7 (PAST)

Defenders of Liberty CONFERENCE

Saturday, May 7, 2011

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Wooden Nickel Ranch in Menifee, CA

25690 Holland Rd., Menifee, California 92584

Admission: $25 per person

High School and College Students FREE!

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May iCaucus Meeting May 7 (PAST)


May iCaucus Meeting

Bring a Friend! Bring a member of your family!  Bring Yourself!!!

If you weren’t able to attend our April Meeting, we welcome you to this one! If you’re looking to get active this will be the meeting for you!

Our second meeting will take place at:

El Cajon Library

201 E. Douglas

El Cajon, CA  92020

Date:  May 7, 2011

Time:  9:30 to 11:30 A.M.

Our speaker will be:

Jay La Suer, Former California State Assemblyman

TOPIC:   2nd Amendment Rights

Among Jay La Suer’s accomplishments are a BA in Public Administration

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Protecting our Rights, Liberty, and Freedom! May 7 (past)

Protecting our Rights, Liberty, and Freedom!

The United States Constitution


An enlightening enjoyable one day seminar on our vital founding documents, with emphasis on what we need to know to restore our Constitutional Rights


led by Joseph Andrews,

founder and president of the non-profit Center for Teaching the Constitution.


Saturday, May 7,  2011 8:30-3pm

at Torrey Pines Christian Church

8320 La Jolla Scenic Drive North, La Jolla

History comes alive through your own four primary documents, which we give: Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution,

and The Federalist Papers.


Additional primary source materials will be available for purchase.

Light lunch, snacks at am/pm coffee breaks are included. $30 contribution suggested. Reserve your space/lunch/booklets with your name, email & phone

with Carolyn  858 459-0436 or Jackie  619 548-3000

or by email to: [email protected]

Re-Districting Commission Presentation May 13 (PAST)

Re-Districting Commission Presentation,

Friday, May 13th @ 6 PM – Cal State San Marcos

McMahan House – Great Room

333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd, San Marcos.

This is a meeting of the Commission tasked with redrawing all the legislative lines.  How they draw the lines could have a big impact on our state legislative and Congressional races.

We need to have some people there to monitor what happens.

This new Commission will establish new boundaries for:  State Assembly, State Senate, Congress, and the Board of Equalization.

California Citizens Redistricting Commission May 14

California Citizens Redistricting Commission May 14


The redistricing comission is having a predrawing of the new maps for congressional and state legislature districts. To maintain our freedom, we must be able to watch the people who will be making these decissions. So far they have been quite open and transparent, which is good. If there are enough public comments, they may hold the meeting longer.

The 14 member Independent California Citizens Redistricting Commission will hold a public input meeting in San Diego on May 14, 2011, from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Jacobs Center. The Commission was created by California voters to draw state Congressional, Assembly, Senate and Board of Equalization Districts.

Public participation in drawing these districts is critical to ensuring that communities have the strongest voice possible to express their preferences. When voters with similar interests are drawn into a district together, their voices multiply giving them a greater opportunity to express their views, elect candidates of their choice and hold their leaders accountable.

The Commission is taking testimony from local area residents before drawing its first round of draft maps which will be released in June. Final district maps must be certified by the Commission and presented to the Secretary of State by August 15, 2011.

Citizens wishing to provide testimony to the Commission can learn more about how to effectively present information by going . To assist you in providing your presentation, we have developed a “Toolkit” which you will find on the home page under “Upcoming Events.”

All public input hearings are ADA accessible. Any person who wishes to request auxiliary aids or services, including translation, to participate in the hearing of the Commission, in accordance with State or Federal law, should contact Janeece Sargis at 1-866-356-5217 not later than five (5) business days before the noticed hearing date.

You can help a lot by donating


My name is “Rich” but I actually look more like that bear above!


Donate for San Diego Tea Party Meetup,, or



Everyone – – America is right on the verge of failing. We need to take action.
There are 5 vital areas that need volunteers.

Today – I am focusing on the future of our country – kids !

I have contacted the principal of a local High School to set up a Youth Group.

This club would be called – The U.S. Patriots Union
It would be a positive influence on the students who choose to join,
– discussion groups of current events and past history
– with action plans.

The influence that the school clubs have are enormous. The list of clubs include
– Gay,Lesbian,Transgender group
– MECHa (a group advocating the liberation of all chicanos in America)
– The Revolutionaries – ??

Some socialist teachers are influencing their students towards a more marxist, socialist society, towards the One World Gov’t (Agenda 21 -signed by Pres Bush in 1992) our students are being bred to be good citizens of the world.

I need volunteers who will set this up at their local middle school and high schools. Once I meet with the principal (within the next 2 weeks) – will have a progress report and action plan. I do not recommend setting up a tea party group. that is a hot button issue for people.

We need to get the youth group set up before school quits for the summer so that it starts up in the 2011/2012 school year. for more info on U.S. Patriots Union

Unless we take action now, we will lose our youth to the socialist mantra. Also they have not changed the law yet – schools are required to teach the constitution and the bill of rights. Some schools are getting away from that subject. Thank you.

To follow this thread, or know more, go to:



  • Monitor state or Federal legislation

  • committee to work on voter fraud

  • committee to work with conservative college youths

  • A group to work on media bias

Check back to see how to get involved in one of these (or other) worthy causes.



A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!