Action Items – Get off the sofa, GET INVOLVED Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:52:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 21376035 New Poll Worker Training Thu, 06 Sep 2012 23:09:14 +0000 Continue reading ]]> NEW AND IMPORTANT:  Ballot Processing Observation training.  We need a group of people who are able and willing to be a rotating team to provide oversight at the Registrar of Voters office (Ruffin Road, San Diego) while ballots are being processed: signature verification on Vote by Mail ballots and Provisional Ballots, ballot duplication (for damaged ballots), etc.  This process begins approximately October 13 and continues through November 30.  IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THEY KNOW THAT WE ARE PAYING ATTENTION!  If you can put in a few hours a week, or even a few hours during that month and a half, please come to the training:  Friday, September 21, 2011, Serra Mesa/Kearny Mesa Library, 9005 Aero Drive, San Diego  1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.  RSVP to me!!!!



All interested citizens welcome—choose ONE training ONLY

Because of meeting room capacity concerns, please RSVP to:

Friday, Sept. 28 RANCHO S.D.

Rancho SD Library

11555 Via Rancho San Diego

El Cajon, CA  92020

9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Saturday, Sept. 29  ESCONDIDO

Mike’s Barbecue

1356 West Valley Parkway

12:00-3:30 p.m.

*PLEASE come at 11:00 and

enjoy a Mike’s BBQ lunch!!

Monday, Oct. 1   CORONADO

Coronado Library

640 Orange Avenue

9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 2   SAN DIEGO

College/Rolando Branch Library

6600 Montezuma Road

12:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 3 NAT. CITY

National City Public Library

1401 National City Blvd.

1:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 4    RAMONA

Ramona Old Town Hall

720 Main Street

1:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 5   LA JOLLA

La Jolla/Riford Branch Library

7555 Draper Avenue

12:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 6    EL CAJON

El Cajon Library

201 East Douglas

9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 9    NORTH PARK

North Park Lion’s Club

3920 Utah Street

9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 10    VISTA

Vista Library

700 Eucalyptus Avenue


Thursday, Oct. 11 CARMEL VLY

Carmel Valley Branch Library

3919 Townsgate Drive

San Diego, CA  92011

11:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 12   ESCONDIDO

Escondido Library

239 South Kalmia Street

10:15 p.m. -1:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 15    ALPINE

Alpine Women’s Club

2156 Alpine Blvd.

5:15 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 16   CHULA VISTA

253 Third Ave

5:15 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 17 POWAY

Poway Public Library

13137 Poway Rd.

4:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 18   OCEANSIDE

Oceanside Republican


620 Mission Ave.


Friday, Oct. 19   FALLBROOK

Fallbrook Public Utility Dpt

East Mission Road at Santa

Margarita Drive

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Operation Swing State phone campaign Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:30:22 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Dear Grassroots Leaders and Activists,

Hope you had a Happy Labor Day! This is the day that traditionally marks the time that we hit the ground running politically speaking!

As of today, we have a new strategy to suggest when using the Romney online phone bank and when organizing your Romney-Ryan Calling Parties.
Based on swing state electoral votes, recent polling results, and early
voting schedules, the following swing states should be called in this
order of priority:

Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virgina, Iowa, and Pennsylvania

Typically when you set up an account for the Romney Call From Home phone bank, you
specify the state where you live and then the Romney campaign assigns swing state voters from one particular state. The
only way to call a different swing state is to create a separate
registration (account) for each swing state where you want to call.
For example if you want to call Ohio voters, when you register
you’ll specify Ohio as “your” state and supply an Ohio city and
zip code. You can keep the same phone number, password, and phone number
for each state account you create but you’ll need to change your user
name and at least one of your other names (first or last name). Keep it
as simple as possible; try adding, for example, OH to your base user
name and last name.

Please spread the word on this strategy as well as organize weekly
or bi-weekly Romney-Ryan Calling Parties as soon as possible! Questions? Don’t hesitate to email or call us seven days a week!

Here’s info below we encourage you to share today:


Help Romney-Ryan Win by Calling Swing State Voters!Your choice: either make Romney-Ryan phone calls for 2 months

or have Obama for 4 more years!!

The presidential election will be won in the swing states, which means we need to call swing state voters NOW. As of today, Sept. 3, we recommend you call voters in the following swing states in this order:

Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virgina, Iowa, and Pennsylvania 



  • Make swing state voter calls at home or at fun Romney-Ryan Calling Parties using the Romney online phone bank (which only calls swing-state voters).


  • We need to work now because the presidential election is very tight and 8 of the 12 swing states have early voting–starting as early as Sept. 27!!!
  • Because the election is so close, if we don’t work strategically like this for Romney-Ryan, we’re basically working for Obama.




1. Call today from home or wherever you areusing a computer and phone. To make calls for Romney, go to and move your cursor on the Get Involved Tab and click on Call From Home (or for more detailed instructions, go to and then click the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan tab). Create one or more accounts for any of these swing states:


Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virgina, Iowa, and Pennsylvania 

For example if you want to call Ohio voters, when you register you’ll
specify Ohio as “your” state and supply an Ohio city and
zip code. You can keep the same phone number, password, and phone number
for each state account you create but you’ll need to change your user
name and at least one of your other names (first or last name). Keep it
as simple as possible; try adding, for example, OH to your base user
name and last name.


2. Come to a Romney-Ryan Calling Party! To find a Calling Party email [email protected]


3. Organize Your Own Easy, Fun, Weekly Calling Party!  For free tips and materials contact Susan Silver or Don Silver: or 310.282.8440

Contact info:

Susan Silver and Don Silver

National Co-Chairs, Operation Swing State 


Swing State Co-Chairs, Republican Party of Los Angeles County


[email protected]
310.282.8440, Los Angeles


Susan Silver and Don Silver, the National Co-Chairs of Operation Swing State, want to increase the number of weekly Romney-Ryan Calling Parties to
at least one party per club per week all over the country. B
e a part of this vital nationwide winning effort!




Operation Swing State is
a 2012 nationwide, grassroots, unfunded, all-volunteer online
phone-calling campaign to take back the White House and take back


Operation Swing state (event past) Wed, 25 Apr 2012 01:18:41 +0000

U.S. Border Patrol: Coffee with the Community event(Event past) Thu, 02 Feb 2012 21:03:48 +0000 Continue reading ]]>


 The US Border Patrol will be hosting a “Coffee with the Community” event next Friday, February 10th (please see attached). Border Community Liaison Agents from the Imperial Beach and Chula Vista Stations will be on hand to discuss the current mission, strategy, and answer any questions. We hope this informal gathering will prove to be beneficial to the stakeholders in our nearby communities. Stop by for a cup of coffee between 8:30am and 10:00am and tell us whats on your mind, we hope to see you there!


940 Dennery Rd, San Diego, CA 92154

 If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (619) 628-2975.


Evan D. Penland

Border Community Liaison Agent

United States Border Patrol

Information & Communication Division

San Diego Sector


iCaucus February Monthly Meeting – Get Ready(Event past) Thu, 02 Feb 2012 17:26:48 +0000 Continue reading ]]>  

San Diego,

2012 is well underway, and so is iCaucus!

Exactly 3 months, i.e. 17 weeks i.e. 122 days –

However you count it, TIME IS SHORT;

the election is bearing down on us.

What are you doing to make a difference?

We’ve  presented great informaiton and exciting guests over the last several months.Now it’s time to get down to business.  iCaucus is about action.  Taking the issues before us by the horns and working to find the solutions.  By using our proven successful method and making a difference!

So that is just what we are going to start at our February Meeting.

We will be asking the questions, what can you do?  I mean really What can you do?  Then finding where you can put your energy and efforts to make a difference here in San Diego!

Join our 50/50 Raffle – Win, Win!!!

Help Support iCaucus, so we can provide you the tools to succeed!

Donate Button 2

Join us for the first workshop for the 2012 election cycle.We have so much to do, we will begin walking through the how to get it done!

Step by Step walk through of the iCaucus process and website, so that you can find your nitch and make your mark!

The Vetting Process, who is going through the process, how can you participate.

Where are you in the EIP process, will you stand for Free and Fair elections in 2012, do you know how much it does matter Right Here in San Diego!

The Local Affiliate Groups and how they make a difference!

YOU’VE HEARD THIS SAID NUMEROUS TIMES, I WOULD GUESS THAT IF YOU’RE RECEIVING THIS EMAIL, YOU PROBABLY AGREE;  THIS 2012 ELECTION IS ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL IN OUR LIFE TIME, WE ARE AT A CROSSROADS, Which way will we go?  That is going to depend on you and me, do we sit on the side lines or do we stand up and by our actions have our voices heard?

Join us Saturday, February 4th at the

Rancho San Diego Public Library

11555 Via Rancho San Diego

El Cajon, CA 92019

(619) 660-5370

Rancho SD Library 

9:30-10:00—Set Up 10:00-12:00—Meeting

12:00-12:30—Clean Up


Click photo for Directions

We have several Candidate Forums scheduled in the coming months!  We will be announcing them shortly.  If you don’t know the How then it’s hard to answer the Why?  Come and get the answers!!



iCaucus Promotional Preview

Click to view


February 4, 2012


Rancho San Diego Public Library

11555 Via Rancho San Diego

El Cajon, CA 92019

iCaucus February Meeting


What is a Central Committee? And why YOU should care! Wed, 25 Jan 2012 03:00:49 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

What is a Central Committee?

Central Committees for each political party include representatives elected from each Assembly District in San Diego County.   They are elected for a term of two years.
The Republican Party of San Diego has 48 elected Central Committee members (six from each of the eight Assembly Districts).  The San Diego Democratic Party has 54 elected Central Committee members.
Members of the Central Committees aren’t paid for all their hard work, but they have a great deal of influence over the political process and priorities in the County and in the State party organizations.

What does the Central Committee do?

  • Elect local Party officers, including the Chairperson and Executive Committee members,

  • adopt Party rules,

  • endorse candidates and decide what ballot initiatives the party will support,

  • help decide fundraising efforts and how local party donations will be spent,

  • help decide party priorities such as voter registration efforts and party-sponsored events,

  • and a whole lot more!

And why YOU should care!

  • If you have political aspirations or if you’re just tired of “politics as usual” in San Diego County and not having your voice heard on major political decisions in this county, this is your big opportunity.

* The Republican Party of San Diego County . . .
As of the end of December 2011, there were 512,270 registered Republicans.
Party Bylaws describe the organization of the Central Committee and the responsibilities of the members.
Here is a list of the current members of the Republican Party Central Committee.
Republican Party of San Diego County Central Committee members being sworn in after their election.
* The San Diego County Democratic Party . . .
As of the end of December 2011, there were 519,248 registered Democrats.
Party Bylaws and the Party’s Policies & Procedures describe the organization of the Central Committee and the responsibilities of the members.
Here is some additional information about the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of San Diego County.
San Diego Democratic Party Executive Director Ryan Hurd and Chairman Jess Durfee at the 30th Annual Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt Dinner.

The biggest challenge for both parties in 2012?  The 356,538 independent voters in the county who registered as “decline to state” by the end of December, 2011.


How to Run for Central Committee

 Many members have asked how they can run and be elected to their party’s Central Committee.  We hope you find the following information helpful should you choose to take on the challenge of serving on your party’s Central Committee.  Our intent in providing you with this information is to elect as many Conservatives to Central Committees as possible in order to change their policies to better reflect conservative values and establish greater accountability on ethical behavior in fundraising, voter registration, and candidate support.  The election process is very straight forward and not particularly time consuming or expensive, as you can see in the following list of steps you can take should you decide to run.

    1. You will need to obtain at least 30 signatures from registered voters in your Assembly District on your candidate petition in order to be on the ballot.  Remember, the signatures must be valid, registered voters, so you may want to gather some additional signatures.

    2. You will need to go to the Voter Registration office on Feb. 13th to ask for the forms you’ll need to file in order to run for Central Committee.

    3. You will need to provide the voter Register Office with your residence address so they can determine which Assembly District you live in and provide you with a map of the district.

    4. Go on-line to a business card printing service like Vistaprint where you can design and print at least 100 copies of a business card with your name, Assembly District location, and email address.  We recommend that you create an email account just for this purpose.  You’ll hand these cards out to people as you gather signatures.

    5. The best way to get signatures on your petition is to go to the nearest shopping center within your district and ask people to sign.  Come up your own little “elevator pitch” – and practice it a few times on your family and friends – in order to motivate people to vote for you.

    6. Write a brief bio and provide a copy to the Registrar of voters to include on the ballot.  Keep it brief and focus on what makes you uniquely qualified for this office.

    7. Once you obtain at least 30 valid signatures, make copies of the petitions for yourself, then file them

    8. Remember: the petition must be turned in by early March.

    9. Create a flyer about yourself telling people why you are running for Central Committee and have 100 copies printed.

    10. Find a local print shop that can also print 2 or 3 yard signs with your name along with the fact that you are running for your party’s Central Committee.  Have them also make up 2 magnetic signs that can be placed on your car (both the Driver’s side and the Passenger side) .

    11. Now, you are ready to go out to shopping centers in your district and hand out the flyers.  Park your car so the signs can be seen by people passing by.  The most important aspect of being elected is “Name Recognition.”  Once voting day arrives, people will open their ballot, see your name, and say to themselves, “Hey, I know that person and vote for you.

    12. Registrar of Voters OfficeWeb Link:

Address: Registrar of Voters

5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I

San Diego, CA. 92123

Phone: (858) 565-5800

The “Dream Act” where are we now??? Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:44:49 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Jan 24th 2012

Many of you have been asking what is next after the failed referendum
attempt to repeal the CA Dream Act.  700,000 raw signatures in 10 weeks was
a monumental task – that’s 10,000 per DAY!  Those are just impossible
numbers without having an army of full-time paid signature gatherers, which
this campaign did not have due to lack of money and donations and a very
compressed timeline mandated by the state.  It’s been proven numerous times
that any successful signature campaign in California requires at least $1
million up front to cover the required costs and hire professional signature

With that in mind, the previous campaign organizers are planning to try a
new initiative to repeal AB 131 in late 2013 to try to qualify it for the
Nov. 2014 ballot.  That gives them plenty of time to try to raise the
required funds and get the legal wording of the initiative just right.  Plus
it gives them the full 5 months to collect 505,000 valid signatures.

There simply was not enough time this year to start an initiative and get
enough signatures by the deadline of June 28.  It’s a 7-8 month process on
once you turn in your application to the Attorney General’s office.

There is also the possibility of a legal challenge this year or early next
year to try to stop this taxpayer fleecing either right before or right
after it goes into effect.  We would need a Patriot Law group to step up and
file a lawsuit or a challenge.  So far no takers, but we’ve got some time to
find one.  AB 131 doesn’t take effect until next Jan. 1st.

Any questions or input, contact Assemblymen Tim Donnelly or Brian Jones’

Jeff Schwilk
San Diego Border & Immigration Intel
Founder, SoCal Patriot Coalition

Operation Swing State Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:55:52 +0000 Continue reading ]]>    This is a group that sets up phone banks to help elect tea party supported congressional and senatorial candidates in key swing states.  They’re looking for tea party activists to make phone calls on their own time from their own homes using their own computers.  We have primaries going on at different times throughout the next six months so this group gives tea party activists an opportunity to help elect solid conservatives elsewhere.  It would be a good idea to forward this flyer to your activists.

