SDTP Newsletter

davis townhall

US Congresswoman Susan Davis (San Diego) has asked the public to a “Town-Hall” style event this Monday night. PLAN ON BEING THERE!    More info here:

Americans for legal immigration PAC have called for a day of NATIONAL protest as our borders are being overrun by illegal immigration. For rally specifics go to:

There were barely 100 people at the Murrieta protest on the first day yet they changed public opinion. If we don’t show our faces they will think our silence means our approval

San Diego Tea Party is looking for a few specific volunteers:

A spokesperson—-Someone good with speaking to the media.

Volunteer coordinator— Someone good at finding people to help with specific jobs

Website article admin—– Someone who can simply input articles, news and events at our wordpress  blog at

Organiser—-What I’ve been doing! (Or in this case, not doing)

email me back at [email protected]

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