Lets Rally to get Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi out of Mexico

This is a Rally to get our marine out of a mexican jail. he has been there almost two months. details below

So far our Facebook event page has 412 confirmed that are coming (as of monday at 9pm) https://www.facebook.com/events/1434243093501900/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming&source=1

KFI called and wants to send a person down to cover.

KUSI plans to send a camera. 

Tim donnelly is coming down 

 A few people that will be speaking so far are:

Jill Tahmooressi (via phone)
Gina Loudon
mike slater
Tim Donnelly
Ann Marie Murrell
Kirk Jorgenson
Joe Messina
Joe spencer

Left leaning Folks like Tamera Holder and people from Moveon.org have went on record to support releasing this Marine. There is Bi-Partisan outrage over this incident. 


                       So bring a sign and help make a statement

                                          (suggested sign below)


The rally will be held (approximately) here


Parking can be a pain so I made this map of the area. The outlet stores have free parking but i’m not sure of the parking policy’s there. The further you get from the rally area the cheaper parking  gets.

For Immediate Release: Protest at Mexican Border, Calling for Immediate Release of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi

Contact: Dr. Gina Loudon, 217-653-2238

 “Tension is building. Many in the US think it is unjust, un-American, for this brave marine who fought for our freedom to spend Memorial Day in a Mexican prison” said Dr. Gina Loudon, of the Patriot Coalition of San Diego County. We will be right on the border on the hearing date, supporting our Marine!”

Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has called for citizens to rise up in defense of the marine’s freedom. Sgt. Tahmooressi was imprisoned for accidentally carrying firearms across the border when he took a wrong turn.

International lender, Brian Brady plans to attend. He said, “If both the Mexican government and the American government secured and marked the border, these problems could be avoided. The Mexican government should recognize the border signage problem (on both sides), warn Americans of their unique laws, and release Tahmooressi immediately.”

His first hearing is scheduled on May 28, but citizens say that is not soon enough.

“Where are the politicians inside the Beltway on this?” asked Lainie Sloane, who is planning to attend the protest. “We all say we are patriotic, but when the rubber meets the road, the men are quickly separated from the boys!”

Groups mounting in support of the imprisoned marine are bipartisan and broad. “As a young American, it outrages me that politicians seem more interested in advancing a political agenda than helping our troops who have sacrificed so much.  On behalf of the millennial generation, we are disgusted by our leaders but love our troops” said Sam Whitfield of Junior Factor Nation.

John Loudon, fmr. State Senator from Missouri stated, “Americans do not leave their own behind.”  He plans to attend the protest rally on Wednesday, as well.

“This country will be judged for its treatment of our military” Dr. Loudon remarked. After families celebrate together over the weekend, we are asking them to pause to really honor our brave in tangible ways, and join us on the border to stand with Sgt. Tahmooressi on the day of his hearing.”

“We are not only imploring the Mexican government to free Sgt. Tahmooressi, warned Assemblyman Tim Donnelly. We are imploring our government to make it happen immediately.”

The rally will be held at the border: May 28th,  5775 Camiones Way, San Ysidro, CA 92173 at 5:30 pm

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