Join us for the first workshop for the 2012 election cycle.We have so much to do, we will begin walking through the how to get it done!
Step by Step walk through of the iCaucus process and website, so that you can find your nitch and make your mark!
The Vetting Process, who is going through the process, how can you participate.
Where are you in the EIP process, will you stand for Free and Fair elections in 2012, do you know how much it does matter Right Here in San Diego!
The Local Affiliate Groups and how they make a difference!
YOU’VE HEARD THIS SAID NUMEROUS TIMES, I WOULD GUESS THAT IF YOU’RE RECEIVING THIS EMAIL, YOU PROBABLY AGREE; THIS 2012 ELECTION IS ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL IN OUR LIFE TIME, WE ARE AT A CROSSROADS, Which way will we go? That is going to depend on you and me, do we sit on the side lines or do we stand up and by our actions have our voices heard?
Join us Saturday, February 4th at the
Rancho San Diego Public Library
11555 Via Rancho San Diego
El Cajon, CA 92019
(619) 660-5370
9:30-10:00—Set Up 10:00-12:00—Meeting
12:00-12:30—Clean Up
Click photo for Directions
We have several Candidate Forums scheduled in the coming months! We will be announcing them shortly. If you don’t know the How then it’s hard to answer the Why? Come and get the answers!!