What is a Central Committee? And why YOU should care!

What is a Central Committee?

Central Committees for each political party include representatives elected from each Assembly District in San Diego County.   They are elected for a term of two years.
The Republican Party of San Diego has 48 elected Central Committee members (six from each of the eight Assembly Districts).  The San Diego Democratic Party has 54 elected Central Committee members.
Members of the Central Committees aren’t paid for all their hard work, but they have a great deal of influence over the political process and priorities in the County and in the State party organizations.

What does the Central Committee do?

  • Elect local Party officers, including the Chairperson and Executive Committee members,

  • adopt Party rules,

  • endorse candidates and decide what ballot initiatives the party will support,

  • help decide fundraising efforts and how local party donations will be spent,

  • help decide party priorities such as voter registration efforts and party-sponsored events,

  • and a whole lot more!

And why YOU should care!

  • If you have political aspirations or if you’re just tired of “politics as usual” in San Diego County and not having your voice heard on major political decisions in this county, this is your big opportunity.

* The Republican Party of San Diego County . . .
As of the end of December 2011, there were 512,270 registered Republicans.
Party Bylaws describe the organization of the Central Committee and the responsibilities of the members.
Here is a list of the current members of the Republican Party Central Committee.
Republican Party of San Diego County Central Committee members being sworn in after their election.
* The San Diego County Democratic Party . . .
As of the end of December 2011, there were 519,248 registered Democrats.
Party Bylaws and the Party’s Policies & Procedures describe the organization of the Central Committee and the responsibilities of the members.
Here is some additional information about the Central Committee of the Democratic Party of San Diego County.
San Diego Democratic Party Executive Director Ryan Hurd and Chairman Jess Durfee at the 30th Annual Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt Dinner.

The biggest challenge for both parties in 2012?  The 356,538 independent voters in the county who registered as “decline to state” by the end of December, 2011.


How to Run for Central Committee

 Many members have asked how they can run and be elected to their party’s Central Committee.  We hope you find the following information helpful should you choose to take on the challenge of serving on your party’s Central Committee.  Our intent in providing you with this information is to elect as many Conservatives to Central Committees as possible in order to change their policies to better reflect conservative values and establish greater accountability on ethical behavior in fundraising, voter registration, and candidate support.  The election process is very straight forward and not particularly time consuming or expensive, as you can see in the following list of steps you can take should you decide to run.

    1. You will need to obtain at least 30 signatures from registered voters in your Assembly District on your candidate petition in order to be on the ballot.  Remember, the signatures must be valid, registered voters, so you may want to gather some additional signatures.

    2. You will need to go to the Voter Registration office on Feb. 13th to ask for the forms you’ll need to file in order to run for Central Committee.

    3. You will need to provide the voter Register Office with your residence address so they can determine which Assembly District you live in and provide you with a map of the district.

    4. Go on-line to a business card printing service like Vistaprint where you can design and print at least 100 copies of a business card with your name, Assembly District location, and email address.  We recommend that you create an email account just for this purpose.  You’ll hand these cards out to people as you gather signatures.

    5. The best way to get signatures on your petition is to go to the nearest shopping center within your district and ask people to sign.  Come up your own little “elevator pitch” – and practice it a few times on your family and friends – in order to motivate people to vote for you.

    6. Write a brief bio and provide a copy to the Registrar of voters to include on the ballot.  Keep it brief and focus on what makes you uniquely qualified for this office.

    7. Once you obtain at least 30 valid signatures, make copies of the petitions for yourself, then file them

    8. Remember: the petition must be turned in by early March.

    9. Create a flyer about yourself telling people why you are running for Central Committee and have 100 copies printed.

    10. Find a local print shop that can also print 2 or 3 yard signs with your name along with the fact that you are running for your party’s Central Committee.  Have them also make up 2 magnetic signs that can be placed on your car (both the Driver’s side and the Passenger side) .

    11. Now, you are ready to go out to shopping centers in your district and hand out the flyers.  Park your car so the signs can be seen by people passing by.  The most important aspect of being elected is “Name Recognition.”  Once voting day arrives, people will open their ballot, see your name, and say to themselves, “Hey, I know that person and vote for you.

    12. Registrar of Voters OfficeWeb Link:         http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/voters/Eng/Eindex.shtml

Address: Registrar of Voters

5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I

San Diego, CA. 92123

Phone: (858) 565-5800

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