Our October TEA Party meeting took place in the banquet room at Andre’s Restaurant http://www.andresrestaurantsd.com/ on Morena Blvd Wednesday night. As with last month’s meeting, it was standing room only, with over 100 members in attendance!

First speaker presenting was radio talk show host, Rick Amato, of KCBQ Radio. He came straight to the meeting after visiting the “occupy” site in downtown San Diego. A few of the members went with to take a closer look for themselves at the “TEA Party of the Left” and their activities.My take is that is wasn’t that impressive according ot the reports of the members that were there.
******Video Highlight- http://youtu.be/j1R6OR1ZEcc

Next up was Barbara Decker of ICaucus and her presentation about the United Nations creeping AGENDA 21 into our country, states, and local communities. She did inform the members that she and members of her group now issue information packs concerning Agenda 21 to all the Congressional candidates and urged us to question the Presidential candidates regarding their knowledge of Agenda 21, the “green movement” and their all out efforts at taking conrol of our land, food supply, and water resources.

We do know that we are all living with the affects now, as most of us have the “smart meters’ that now track our water and power usage. Also, she spoke of the harassment techniques utilized by the Agenda 21 fascists as they will file formal complaints against farmers, that are  using their own equipment on THEIR OWN LAND over the NOISE! Anything to get them into court and bankrupt them through the system – because of yes –  that’s right – NOISE!

Barbara Decker and Lynne Miller, who was also hosting a table at the meeting, are the hosts of the SOLD OUT “Behind the Green Wall” conference being held in San Diego on November 12th. You do not have to miss out, however, as they have set up an online webcast to view the conference from the comfort of your own chair in front of your laptop or computer!
Event Information:

An event announced by the North County Patriots that is happening Saturday – October 29th is their movie presentation “AGENDA – Grinding America Down”
and includes a Q & A with the movie’s producer after the event!  SEE:http://northcountyconservatives.org/28.html

We also had a speaker that informed us about the California gun control law going into affect on January 1st 2012 – AB144 stops “Open Carry” of guns and in 2014 California will implement control regulations against long guns/shot guns as to the ability to own through registration. He is stating lawsuits are being filed simply because this “state regulation” violates our 2nd Amendment rights. The 2nd Amendment trumps Moonbeam whether he likes it or not! His group will also be on Felspar Street and Ocean Front Walk(Pacific Beach 92109) from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm THIS upcoming Saturday 10/22/11  – expressing their opinion over the control of our 2nd Amendment rights –  and they will all be openly carrying!  http://www.responsiblecitizensofcalifornia.org/

In attendance at our meeting was John Stahl – Candidate for Congress for the NEW 52nd District. That’s right – NEW – as in REDISTRICTING – as in Santee will be represented by Brian Bilbray and NOT Duncan Hunter. Believe me, you are not going to be used to this kind of representation out there in east county! Bilbray is NO Hunter not Senior or Junior! For more information on John Stahl’s campaign – http://www.stahl4congress.com/   Also in attendance was Dr. Wayne Iverson with the Doctors Tea Party. He is also running for the 52st district against Brian Bilbray. http://wayneiverson2012.com/

To educate yourselves about Brian Bilbray – http://www.stahl4congress.com/stahlvsbilbray.html

By the way, John Stahl, a former Navy pilot, will be in the November 12th Veteran’s Parade in San Diego! If YOU would like to volunteer and walk along with the Stahl for Congress campaign caravan please notify Lynne Shepard – [email protected]

NOW we come to the part that YOU can start getting active in preparing for OUR election of a lifetime in 2012!

At the meeting, committees were developed to organize all TEA Party members in San Diego County into a FORCE to be reckoned with. At our next meeting, these committees will be discussed in more detail, and you will have the ability to volunteer or give ideas on other efforts that can take place!

Here are the committees we have come up with so far and the volunteers that have stepped up to organize them:

Rich – Web site development; Meet up, Blog, and Tea Party site, administration of the site.
Michael – Event Coordinator and … Media and Outreach, Spoke person for the group. Mike, please give yourself a title.
Kelvin – Secretary and Precinct Ops director
Robert Linderman – Social Media
Jerry – Opposition Research 
De – Military Outreach
Karen –  ICaucus Affiliate Group Liaison
Lynn  Shepard – AV director


Andres Restaurant (Banquet Room) 1235 Morena Blvd San Diego
November 21st 2011 6:30pm  – 8:30pm
More meeting information updates coming soon!


Have a great weekend!




San Diego County TEA Party Forum

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