San Diego Tea Party Meeting Minutes for September 14

San Diego Tea Party Meeting minutes:
John K Stahl candidate for U.S. Rep- 50th District was on hand, ICaucus spoke regarding Candidates, the Vetting Process, and how to volunteer to work with your local ICaucus. Jerry Koch also gave a presentation on “How to Fight” and the strategy needed to save our country from takeover and destruction at the hands of these TRAITORS! Also, a surprise guest – Brian Jones of the CA 77th Assembly District – spoke to us about what it’s like to work up in that cesspool of Sacramento. He will be bringing Tim Donelly – CA REP for the 59th District and ONLY TEA PARTY backed candidate to win in the last election for the State Legislature. A GREAT meeting – you WILL want to be at the next one!

A number of people spoke in the “Pass the Mic” session. This will always be a active part of every meeting. Numerous topics were discussed, the direction and focus of San Diego Tea Party being one of the most important. We decided on some groups and some group leaders. You can volunteer for any group. Groups without names were added and need to be filled.


  • P.R. and Recruitment: Michael Kobulnicky, Shelley Hill, Albert Calderon

  • Social Media Team (FB, Twitter,Blogs): Robert Linderman

  • Precinct Walking: Albert Calderon, Roberta Vanwart

  • Candidate walking and phone banking:

  • SDTP Local Events posting:

  • Pending Legislation Alerts/reporting:

  • Icaucus Candidate Issues, Local, State, federal: Dara, Lee, Karen Grube

  • Local military liaison: De Le

    more to come

Meeting Reviews


Michael Kobulnicky
+1 guest
Great speakers! We got some organizing done towards the end of the meeting. Huge turnout at probably over 100. People want to take action!

Very good and diverse, large group. Rich and Dara deserve a round of applause. Brian Jones was an excellent addition. Parking is a problem, so arrive early

Kele Johnson
The “Cat Lady”
Great group of people and I believe that there was some good progress made toward further involvement in the political processes on a local, state, and national level.

Kathy Gutman
It was great to be able to meet FB folks in person, as well as other TP and Icaucus members, wonderful turnout and enthusiasim.

donald freymuth
I enjoyed the presentation,a nd meeting other members. I’m planning on attending future meetings.

John Conkle
+1 guest
Good start. Lots of very interested patriots, lots of energy. In future suggest strict time limits – folks got tired and left at the end. Keep to a specific agenda and KEEP IT MOVING! Limit topics, but address them completely with an objective set at the end.

+1 guest
It was my first meeting and I learned a lot. But I would have like the opportunity to get to know more people.

Donald Wang
+1 guest,
I was impressed. I am looking forward to the next meeting and plan to bring others.



Jerry’s Speech on Political Warfare

“Political Warfare”

“Winning the Political Battle”

“A movement without an effective strategy for defeating it’s opponents cannot succeed.”

Winning the Presidential Election
Win as many House seats as possible and have more than the majority.
Take over the Senate and win the majority.
How many people here know the tricks of walking a district?
How many people here know how to call people and talk about your candidate?
How many people here know how to establish precinct teams and what is needed to conduct this operation?
How many people here know how to effectively utilize social media.
These are just a few of the overall items required to help your candidate win his office.
So the goal is to set up training teams and establish these teams.
“In political warfare, the aggressor prevails”

Never let the other side define the attack.
Maintain a offensive position.
By striking first you define the issues and your adversary.
Stay positive, try not to go negative, as it can be counter-productive.
Victory lies on the side of the people, who take action and get involved.
Phone calling, Precinct walks, Boots on the ground.
“Knowing your Enemy”
Democrats win by romancing the underdog.
Tap the emotions and fairness.
Go for the little guy and his emotions.
Controlling the message creates the winning edge, even if it is disinformation.
Policy’s of the Democratic Party is program to help the “victims”-women, children, minorities and the poor.
Democrats describe Republican policies as programs that will injure the weak, ignore the vulnerable, and keep the powerless down.
“The Principles of political war the left understands but conservatives do not”
Democrats look at this as a War and they conduct all of their campaigns as such.
Politics is war conducted by other means:
In political warfare the left fights to prevail in the argument and to destroy the enemy’s fighting ability. Conservative regard combats as they would a debate, thus loosing the battle.
Make no mistake about it they don’t care who or what they destroy to get to their victory.
“Our Weapons”
Vetting of Candidates
Easy for our movement to make change in our movement as needed.
Precinct involvement: Councilman, Captain, and walking precincts.
“Voter Education”
Select candidates; that support conservative values.
The Art of Political Warfare for Tea Parties.
Volunteer Teams; “The power of 10”
I-Caucus; Vetting candidates, supporting the process.
True the Vote and Election Integrity Project; training on fighting voter irregularities and fraud.
Form training teams
On the How Do’s items.
Form teams that can be used by candidates.
Join I-Caucus and help in the Vetting process.
Reference Documents
“Liberty & Tyranny”——– Mark Levin
WIN “The Key Principles” —- Dr. rank I. Luntz
Revolt “How to Defeat Obama” –Dick Morris
The Blueprint “ How The Democrats Won Colorado” — Adam Schrager
San Diego Tea Party
San Diego Tea Party Site

Wake-up California
Independent Caucus


Also, Brian Jones spoke at our last Monthly Meeting

AB 144 Jones from CA Assembly GOP on Vimeo.

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